It's wild, but more people know how to drive a car than know how
to use their own body effectively. And so many have such difficulty
in manipulating other bodies: in lifting others, in touching them,
in wrestling and playing with them. Contact Improvisation is a safe
way to study and to experiment in this domain. I was totally ignorant
and awkward before I started learning to dance. And I was misusing
myself: not listening to my nerves, holding myself poorly. I was
missing half of life. Now I have it. And in the balance I've become
a more effective coder, because I can refresh myself by diving into
visceral reality more fully. I've become more effective in a many
ways by paying more attention to my real existence. And I've also
met lots of wonderful, brilliant people in a no-nonsense way. Had
I met the love of my life, Carla, in conversation at a dinner party,
events may have gone differently. But we met dancing contact improv,
and the rest is personal.